The Art of Storytelling

So why use storytelling in the corporate world?

Telling stories is one of the most powerful means that leaders have to influence, teach, and inspire. What makes storytelling so effective for learning? For starters, storytelling forges connections among people, and between people and ideas. Stories convey the culture, history, and values that unite people and organisations.

Storytelling is designed to create relationships and gently persuade an audience into suspending their cynicism, to ‘buy in’ to a message, emotion or point of view. A good story has character, plot and resolution. It will also mirror the experiences and emotions of the audience in order to engage with them.

Storytelling in business focuses on the human side of work. Basically, it means telling stories instead of just listing facts. Telling good stories to engage more effectively. These stories will also stick longer in your audience’s mind.

A good story is very much a two-way process, it tackles something the audience decides is interesting or of importance to them, using storytelling to make news or facts relevant… A good story does more than inform or amplify. It involves and adds value to the topic.

At Big Blue 8, we believe that to create the biggest impact in your presentation or communication, you need to acquire skills and learning in storytelling, tailored to the exact needs of your potential audiences.

This may involve gathering intelligence in advance through online questionnaires or telephone and video interviews, all designed to properly understand your audience. Feedback proves invaluable when creating meaningful and impactful content.

At BB8, we offer storytelling workshops, run by experienced communicators using a combination of theoretical and practical exercises. The aim is to take individuals who want to improve the impact of their presentations and provide them with the confidence and skills to create engaging and relevant stories…

Usually held over 2 days and able to accommodate teams of up to 6 people our workshops can prove hugely affective. For more information, please contact Big Blue 8.